International web sites and magazines:

Daily Mail: No, you’re not tripping – a swarm of wasps has built a bizarre psychedelic nest after being fed rainbow coloured PAPER

Eideard: Wasps build rainbow nests when given colored paper.
mywiloo: Wasps create rainbow nests with colored paper.

OSM Weasel: Wasps built dreamlike nest with colored paper.
So Bad So Good: This is what happens when you give wasps colorful paper.
Photo Vide: When Specified Colored Development Paper, Wasps Create Rainbow Colored Nests.
ZME Science: Menchetti’s rainbow-colored hives show wasps can become artists — all they need are supplies.
rrune: When Wasps Are Given Colored Paper, They Build Rainbow Nests.
Nerdcore: Wasps build rainbow-nests from colored paper.
Newfound Reads: These Paper Wasps Managed To Build A Colorful Nest.
TheMindCircle: When Wasps Are Given Colored Paper, They Build Rainbow

The Hypebuzz:
When Wasps Are Given Colored Paper This Is What Happened!.
When given colored construction paper, wasps build rainbow colored nests.
Lost At E Minor: Wasps build rainbow nests when you hand them coloured paper.
Incredible Things: Wasps Make Rainbow Nests When They Have Colored Paper.
Favogram: When Wasps Are Given Colored Paper, They Build Rainbow Nests.
DeMilked: These Wasps Use Colored Paper To Make Rainbow Nests.
My Modern Met: Wasp Colony Given Colored Construction Paper Builds an Amazing Rainbow Nest.
Design You Trust: When Given Colored Construction Paper, Wasps Build Rainbow Colored Nests.
inhabitat: Wasps build rainbow nests with colored construction paper.
Earthables: See What Happens When Wasps Are Given Colored Paper To Create Their Nests. Colossal: When Given Colored Construction Paper, Wasps Build Rainbow Colored Nests.
boredpanda: When Wasps Are Given Colored Paper, They Build Rainbow Nests.
Booooooom: Mattia Menchetti Gives Wasps Coloured Paper to Create Rainbow Nests.
mental_floss: This rainbow wasp nest was built with colored paper.
The Nerdist: What happens when you give wasps colored paper.

Italian websites and magazines:

dailybest: Queste vespe hanno costruito i loro nidi con la carta color arcobaleno.
Keblog: Dai alle vespe della carta colorata e costruiranno un nido arcobaleno.
Le vespe che creano arte: i sorprendenti alveari dai colori dell’arcobaleno.