
Total (ISI-ranked journals) First/senior author
Paper published 70 20/12
Book chapters 3  
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Total citations 2,138 1,503 2,081
h-index 28 24 27
i10-index 61 54 NA

Publications (ISI Journals)

Authors equally contributing to a paper.

78 Dapporto L., Menchetti M., Dincă V., Talavera G., Garcia-Berro A., D'Ercole J., Hebert P. D.N., Vila R. (2024) The genetic legacy of the Quaternary ice ages for West Palearctic butterflies. Science Advances. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adm8596

77 Zięcina D., Menchetti M., Borowiec L., Bračko G., Lapeva-Gjonova A., Vila R., Salata S. (2024) Taxonomic revision of the Aphaenogaster subterranea species group (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici, 74: 237–282. DOI: 10.3161/00034541ANZ2024.74.2.002

76 Gorki J. L., López-Mañas R., Sáez L., Menchetti M., Shapoval N., Andersen A., Benyamini D., Daniels S., García-Berro A., Reich M. S., Scalercio S., Toro-Delgado E., Bataille C. P., Domingo-Marimon C., Vila R., Suchan T., Talavera G. (2024) Pollen metabarcoding reveals the origin and multigenerational migratory pathway of an intercontinental-scale butterfly outbreak. Current Biology. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.05.037

75 Schifani E., Grunicke D., Montechiarini A., Pradera C., Vila R., Menchetti M. (2024) Alien ants spreading through Europe: Brachyponera chinensis and Nylanderia vividula in Italy. Biodiversity Data Journal, 12: e123502. DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.12.e123502

74 Schifani E., Georgiadis C., Menchetti M. (2024) Cardiocondyla obscurior, a new alien ant in Crete (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Biogeographia –The Journal of Integrative Biogeography, 2024, 39(1): a033. DOI: 10.21426/B639162750

73 D’Ercole J., Dapporto L., Opler P., Schmidt C. B., Ho C., Menchetti M., Zakharov E. V.,Burns J. M, & Hebert P. D. (2024). A genetic atlas for the butterflies of continental Canada and United States. Plos one, 19(4), e0300811. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0300811

72 Menchetti M., Schifani E., Alicata A., Cardador L., Sbrega E., Toro-Delgado E., Vila R. (2024) Response to Genovesi et al.: Ant biosurveillance should come before invasion. Current Biology, 34, R37–R52. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.11.055

71 Schär S., Vila R., Menchetti M. (2023) First Record of the Introduced Ant Myrmica specioides In the Eastern United States. Sociobiology, 70(4), e9153-e9153.

70 van Tongeren E., Sistri G., Bonifacino M., Menchetti M., Pasquali L., Salvati V., Baalletto E., Bonelli S., Cini A., Portera M., Dapporto L. (2023) Unstructured citizen science reduces the perception of butterfly local extinctions: the interplay between species traits and user effort. Biodiversity and Conservation, 33(17), DOI:10.1007/s10531-023-02721-9

69 Menchetti M., Schifani E., Alicata A., Cardador L., Sbrega E., Toro-Delgado E., Vila R. (2023) The invasive ant Solenopsis invicta is established in Europe. Current Biology, 33(17), PR896-R897. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.07.036

68 Talavera G., García-Berro A., Talla V. N. K., Ng’iru I., Bahleman F., Kébé K., Nzala K. M., Plasencia D., Marafi M. A. J., Kassie A., Goudégnon E. O. A., Kiki M., Benyamini D., Reich M. S., López-Mañas R., Benetello F., Collins S. C., P. Bataille C., Pierce N. E., J. Martins D., Suchan T., Mattia Menchetti, Vila R. (2023) The Afrotropical breeding grounds of the Palearctic-African migratory painted lady butterflies (Vanessa cardui). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120 (16) e2218280120.

67 Schifani E., Alicata, A., Borowiec, L., García, F., Gentile, V., Gómez, K., Nalini E., Rigato F., Schär S., Scupola A., Vila R., Menchetti M. (2023) Unrecognized for centuries: distribution and sexual caste descriptions of the West European Aphaenogaster species of the subterranea group (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). ZooKeys , 1153, 141.

66 Menchetti M., Schifani E., Alicata A., Vila R. (2023) Quantitative morphology and mtDNA reveal that Lasius maltaeus is not endemic to the Maltese Islands (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research , 95, 129-142.

65 Schifani E., Alicata A., Menchetti M., Borowiec L., Fisher B. L., Karaman C., Kiran K., Oueslati W., Salata S., Blatrix R. (2022) Revisiting the morphological species groups of West-Palearctic Aphaenogaster ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) under a phylogenetic perspective: toward an evolutionary classification. Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny, 80, 627-648.

61 Bonifacino M., Pasquali L., Sistri G., Menchetti M., Santini L., Corbella C., Bonelli S., Balletto E., Vila R., Dincă V., Dapporto, L.(2022) Climate change may cause the extinction of the butterfly Lasiommata petropolitana in the Apennines. Journal of Insect Conservation, 26(6), 959-972.

63 Magory Cohen T., Hauber M. E., Akriotis T., Crochet P. A., Karris G., Kirschel A. N., Khoury F., Menchetti M. ., Mori E., Per E., Reino L., Saavedra S., Santana J., Dor, R. (2022). Accelerated avian invasion into the Mediterranean region endangers biodiversity and mandates international collaboration. Journal of Applied Ecology , 59(6), 1440-1455.

62 Dapporto L., Menchetti M. ., Vodă R., Corbella C., Cuvelier S., Djemadi I., Gascoigne-Pees M., Hinojosa, J.C., Lam N.T., Serracanta M., Talavera, G., Dincă V., Vila R. (2022). The atlas of mitochondrial genetic diversity for Western Palaearctic butterflies. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 31(11), 2184-2190.

61 Menchetti M., Schifani E., Gentile V., Vila R. (2022) The worrying arrival of the invasive Asian needle ant Brachyponera chinensis in Europe (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Zootaxa, 5115(1), 146-150.

60 Schifani E., Alicata A., Menchetti M. (2022) Following the Apennines: updating the distribution of Formica clara and Formica rufibarbis in Italy (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Biogeographia – The Journal of Integrative Biogeography, 37. DOI:10.21426/B637155107

59 Schifani E., Scupola A., Menchetti M., Bazzato E., Espadaler X. (2019) Morphology and phenology of sexuals and new distribution data on the blind Mediterranean ant Hypoponera abeillei (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Sociobiology. DOI: 10.13102/sociobiology.v68i4.7261

58 Sistri G., Menchetti M., Santini L., Pasquali L., Sapienti S., Cini A., Platania L., Balletto E., Barbero F., Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Dincă V., Vila R., Mantoni C., Fattorini S., Dapporto L. (2021) The isolated Erebia pandrose Apennine population is genetically unique and endangered by climate change. Insect Conservation and Diversity, DOI:10.1111/icad.12538.

57 Mori E., Magoga G., Panella M., Montagna M., Winsor L., Justine J. L., Menchetti M., Schifani E., Melone B., Mazza G. (2021). (2021) Discovering the Pandora’s box: the invasion of alien flatworms in Italy. Biological Invasions, 1-12. DOI:10.1007/s10530-021-02638-w.

56 Marrone F., Alfonso G., Barbagallo R., Brandmayr P., Bruni G., Costa S., Giovanni F., Gerecke, R., Iannarelli A., Mazza G., Mazzei A., Menchetti M., Moretti V., Mori E., Novaga, R., Pecoraro M., Schifani, E., Stoch F., Vecchioni L. (2021) New distributional data for the Mediterranean medicinal leech Hirudo verbana Carena, 1820 (Hirudinea, Hirudinidae) in Italy, with a note on its feeding on amphibians. Biogeographia–The Journal of Integrative Biogeography, 36. DOI:10.21426/B636052446

55 Nerva L., Iannucci A., Menchetti M., Andreoni A., Chitarra W., Martini M., Mueller N., M. J. Peeters T., Pesenti E., Verbeylen G., Zozzoli R., Mori, E. (2021) Where do Chip and Dale come from? Origins of invasive populations of the Siberian chipmunk in Europe. Mammal Research, 1-5.

54 Menchetti M., Cianferoni F., Mazza G., Dal Cin M., Barbato D., Benocci A., Cervo R., Dapporto l., Picchi, M.S., Vanni L.; Cabrini R., Mori E. (2021) Checklist of macro-invertebrates of the special conservation area “Poggi di Prata” (Grosseto, Central Italy) through a citizen-science and expert-based approach. Redia, 104: 63-68.

53 Menchetti M., Talavera G., Cini A., Salvati V., Dincă V., Platania L., Bonelli S. Balletto E., Vila R., Dapporto L. (2021) Two ways to be endemic. Alps and Apennines are different functional refugia during climatic cycles. Molecular Ecology, DOI:10.1111/mec.15795.

52 Senczuk G., Gramolini L., Avella I., Mori E., Menchetti M., Aloise G., Castiglia R. (2021) No association between candidate genes for color determination and color phenotype in Hierophis viridiflavus, and characterization of a contact zone. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 59(3): 748-759.

51 Milanesi P., Mori E., Menchetti M. (2020) Observer-oriented approach improves species distribution models from citizen science data. Ecology & Evolution, 10(21): 12104–12114.

50 Ruzzier E., Menchetti M., Bortolotti L., Selis M., Monterastelli E., Forbicioni L. (2020) Updated distribution of the invasive Megachile sculpturalis (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) in Italy and its first record on a Mediterranean island. Biodiversity Data Journal, 8: e57783. DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.8.e57783.

49 Mori E., Saavedra S., Menchetti M., Assandri G. (2020) Past and present distribution of the Common Myna Acridotheres tristis in Italy: a review. Avocetta, 44: 32-36.

48 Platania L., Menchetti M., Dinca V., Corbella C., Kay-Lavelle I., Vila R., Wiemers M., Schweiger O., Dapporto L. (2020) Assigning occurrence data to cryptic taxa improves climatic niche assessments: biodecrypt, a new tool tested on European butterflies. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 29(10):1852-1865.

47 Schär S., Menchetti M., Schifani E., Hinojosa J.C., Platania L., Dapporto L., Vila R. (2020) Integrative biodiversity inventory of ants from a Sicilian archipelago reveals high diversity on young volcanic islands (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Organisms Diversity & Evolution, DOI:10.32800/abc.2020.43.0151.

46 Mori E., Malfatti L., Le Louarn M., Hernández-Brito D., Cate B., Ricci M., Menchetti M. (2020) “Some like it alien”: predation on invasive ring-necked parakeets by the long-eared owl in an urban area. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, DOI:10.32800/abc.2020.43.0151.

45 Scalercio S., Cini A., Menchetti M., Voda R., Bonelli S., Bordoni A., Casacci L.P., Dinca, V., Balletto E., Vila R., Dapporto L. (2020) How long is 3 kilometres for a butterfly? Ecological constraints and functional traits explain high mitochondrial genetic diversity between Sicily and the Italian Peninsula. Journal of Animal Ecology, DOI:10.1111/1365-2656.13196

44 Dorigo L., Dal Lago T., Menchetti M., Sluys R. (2020) First records of two alien land flatworms (Tricladida, Geoplanidae) from Northeastern Italy. Zootaxa, 4732(2):332-334.

43 Mori E., Menchetti M., Camporesi A., Cavigioli L., Tabarelli de Fatis K. ,Girardello M. (2019) License to Kill? Domestic Cats Affect a Wide Range of Native Fauna in a Highly Biodiverse Mediterranean Country. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7:477. DOI:10.3389/fevo.2019.00477.

42 Mori E., Cardador L., Reino L., White R.L., Hernández-Brito D., Le Louarn M., Mentil L., Edelaar P., Pârâu L.G., Nikolov B.P., Menchetti M. (2019) Lovebirds in the air: trade patterns, establishment success and niche shifts of Agapornis parrots within their non-native range. Biological Invasions. DOI:10.1007/s10530-019-02100-y

41 Macià F.X., Menchetti M., Corbella C., J Grajera J., Vila R. (2018) Exploitation of the invasive Asian Hornet Vespa velutina by the European Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus. Bird Study, DOI:10.1080/00063657.2019.1660304

40 Menchetti M., Guéguen M., Talavera G. (2019) Spatio-temporal ecological niche modelling of multigenerational insect migrations. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286: 20191583. DOI:10.1098/rspb.2019.1583

39 Dapporto L., Cini A., Vodă R., Dincă V., Wiemers M., Menchetti M., Magini G., Talavera G., Shreeve T., Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Balletto Em., Scalercio S., Vila R. (2019) Integrating three comprehensive data sets shows that mitochondrial DNA variation is linked to species traits and paleogeographic events in European butterflies. Molecular Ecology Resources, DOI:10.1111/1755-0998.13059

38 White RL, Strubbe D, Dallimer M, Davies ZG, Davis AJ.S, Edelaar P, Groombridge J, Jackson HA, Menchetti M, Mori E, Nikolov BP, Pârâu LG, Pečnikar Živa F, Pett TJ, Reino L, Tollington S, Turbé A, Shwartz A (2019) Assessing the ecological and societal impacts of alien parrots in Europe using a transparent and inclusive evidence-mapping scheme. NeoBiota. 48: 45-69.

37 Mori E., Menchetti M. (2019) Living with roommates in a shared den: Spatial and temporal segregation among semifossorial mammals. Behavioural Processes, DOI:10.1016/j.beproc.2019.04.013.

36 Boscherini A., Mazza G., Menchetti M., Laurenzi A. Mori E. (2019) Time is running out! Rapid range expansion of the invasive northern raccoon in central Italy. Mammalia, DOI:10.1515/mammalia-2018-0151.

35 Balestrieri A., Mori E., Menchetti M., Ruiz-González A., Milanesi P. (2019) Far from the madding crowd: Tolerance towards human disturbance shapes distribution and connectivity patterns of closely related Martes spp.. Population Ecology, DOI:10.1002/1438-390X.12001.

34 Di Febbraro M., Menchetti M., Russo D., Ancillotto L., Aloise G., Roscioni F., Preatoni D.G., Loy A., Martinoli A., Bertolino S. & Mori E. (2019) Integrating climate and land‐use change scenarios in modelling the future spread of invasive squirrels in Italy. Diversity and Distributions, DOI:10.1111/ddi.12890.

33 Postigo J., Strubbe D., Mori E., Ancillotto L., Carneiro I., Latsoudis P., Menchetti M., Pârâu L.G., Parrott D., Reino L., Weiserbs A. & Senar J.C. (2019) Mediterranean versus Atlantic monk parakeets Myiopsitta monachus: Towards differentiated management at the European scale. Pest Management Science, DOI:10.1002/ps.5320.

32 Mori E., Sala J.P., Fattorini N., Menchetti M., Montalvo T. & Senar J.C. (2018) Ectoparasite sharing among native and invasive birds in a metropolitan area. Parasitology Research, DOI:10.1007/s00436-018-6174-2.

31 Mori E., Milanesi P., Menchetti M., Zozzoli R., Monaco A., Capizzi D., Nerva L. (2018) Genetics reveals that free-ranging chipmunks introduced to Italy have multiple origins. Hystrix, 29(2): 239-242.

30 Mori E., Menchetti M., Zozzoli R. & Milanesi P. (2018) The importance of taxonomy in species distribution models at a global scale: the case of an overlooked alien squirrel facing taxonomic revision. Journal of Zoology, 307(1) :43-52.

29 Grandi G., Menchetti M. & Mori, E. (2018) Vertical segregation by breeding ring-necked parakeets Psittacula krameri in northern Italy. Urban Ecosystems, 21(5): 1011–1017.

28 Zozzoli R., Menchetti M. & Mori E. (2018). Spatial behaviour of an overlooked alien squirrel: the case of Siberian chipmunks Eutamias sibiricus. Behavioural processes, 153: 107-111.

27 Mori M., Zozzoli R., Menchetti M. (2018) Global distribution and status of introduced Siberian chipmunks Eutamias sibiricus. Mammal Review, 48: 139-152.

26 Dapporto L., Cini A., Menchetti M., Vodă R., Bonelli S., Casacci L.P., Dincă V., Scalercio S., Hinojosa J.C., Biermann H., Forbicioni L., Mazzantini U., Venturi L., Zanichelli F., Balletto E., Shreeve T.G., Dennis R.L.H., Vila R. (2017) Rise and fall of island butterfly diversity: Understanding population diversification and extinction in a highly diverse Archipelago. Diversity and Distributions, 23(10):1098–1230.

25 Luna Á., Franz D., Hernández-Brito D., Malihi Y., Shwartz A., Strubbe D., Mori E., Menchetti M., Klaassen O., Parrott D., Braun M.P., Chmielewski F.M., Edelaar P. (2017) Reproductive timing as a constraint on invasion success in the Ring-necked parakeet (Psittacula krameri). Biological Invasions, 19(8):2247–2259.

24 Turbé A., Strubbe D., Mori E., Carrete M., Chiron F.. Clergeau P., González-Moreno P., Le Louarn M.,k , Luna A., Menchetti M., Nentwig W., Pârâu L.G., Postigo J.L., Rabitsch W., Senar J.C., Tollington S., Vanderhoeven S., Weiserbs A., Shwartz A. (2017) Assessing the assessments: evaluation of four impact assessment protocols for listing and 2 prioritising invasive alien species. Diversity and Distributions, 23(3):231–341.

23 Mori E., Ancillotto L., Menchetti M., Strubbe D. (2017) “The early bird catches the nest”: possible competition between scops owls and ring-necked parakeets. Animal Conservation, 20(5):463–470.

22 Mori E., Grandi G., Menchetti M., Tella J.L., Jackson H.A., Reino L., van Kleunen A., Figueira R., Ancillotto L. (2017) Worldwide distribution of non-native Amazon parrots and temporal trends of their global trade. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 4(1): 49-62.

21 Mori E., Menchetti M., Cantini M., Bruni G., Santini G., Bertolino S. (2016) Twenty years monitoring of a population of Italian crested newts Triturus carnifex: strong site fidelity and shifting population structure in response to restoration. Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 29(5):460-473.

20 Mori E., Mazzetto F., Menchetti M., Bodino N., Grasso E., Sposimo P. (2016) Feeding ecology of the scops owl Otus scops in the island of Pianosa (Tuscan Archipelago, Central Italy). Italian Jurnal of Zoology, 83(3):417-422.

19 Mori E., Menchetti M., Lucherini M., Sforzi A., Lovari S. (2016) Timing of reproduction and paternal cares in the crested porcupine. Mammalian Biology, 81(4): 345-349.

18 Torrini G., Mazza G., Strangi A., Barabaschi D., Landi S., Mori E., Menchetti M., Sposimo P., Giuliani C., Zoccola A., Roversi P.F. (2016) Oscheius tipulae in Italy: evidence of an alien isolate in the Integral Natural Reserve of Montecristo Island (Tuscany). Journal of Nematology, 48(1):8-13.

17 Mazza G., Menchetti M., Sluys R., Solà E., Riutort M., Tricarico E., Justine J.L., Cavigioli L., Mori E. (2016) The silent invasion: first report of the land planarian Diversibipalium multilineatum (Makino & Shirasawa, 1983) (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Continenticola) outside its native range. Zootaxa, 4067(5):577-580.

16 Ancillotto L., Strubbe D., Menchetti M., Mori E. (2015) An overlooked invader? Ecological niche, invasion success and dynamics of the Alexandrine parakeet in the invaded range. Biological Invasions, 18(2):583-595.

15 Mori E., Ancillotto L., Groombridge J., Howard T., Smith V. S., Menchetti M. (2015) Macroparasites of introduced parakeets in Italy: a possible role for parasite-mediated competition. Parasitology Research, 114(9):3277–3281.

14 Mori E., Mazza G., Menchetti M., Bertolino S., Panzeri M., Gager Y., Di Febbraro M. (2015) The masked invader strikes again: the conquest of Italy by the Northern raccoon. Hystrix, 26(1):47-51 .

13 Mori E., Sforzi A., Menchetti M., Mazza G., Lovari S., Pisanu B. (2015) Ectoparasite load in the crested porcupine Hystrix cristata in Central Italy. Parasitology Research, 114(6):2223-2229.

12 Mori E., Menchetti M., Bertolino S., Mazza G., Ancillotto L. (2015) Reappraisal of an old cheap method for marking the European hedgehog. Mammal Research, 60(2): 89-193.

11 Panzeri M., Mori E., Mazza G., Menchetti M. (2014) Records of introduced stripe-necked terrapins (Mauremys species) in Italy . Acta Herpetologica, 9(2): 227-230.

10 Ancillotto L., Mazza G., Menchetti M., Mori E. (2014) Host specificity of the badger's flea (Paraceras melis) and first detection on a bat host. Parasitology Research, 113(10): 3909-3912.

9 Mori E., Menchetti M., Balestrieri A. (2014) Interspecific den-sharing: a study on Eurasian badger setts by camera traps. Acta Ethologica, 18(2):121-126.

8 Panzeri M., Menchetti M., Mori E. (2014) Variation in habitat use and diet of resident Eurasian scops-owls. Ardeola, 61(2): 393-399.

7 Mori E., Menchetti M., Dartora F. (2014) Evidence of carrion consumption behaviour in the long-eared owl Asio otus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Aves: Strigiformes: Strigidae). Italian Journal of Zoology, 81(3): 471-475.

6 Menchetti M., Scalera R., Mori E. (2014) First record of a possibly overlooked impact by alien parrots on a bat (Nyctalus leisleri). Hystrix, 25(1): 61-62.

5 Menchetti M., Mori E. (2014) Worldwide impact of feral parrots (Aves, Psittaciformes) on native biodiversity and environment: a review. Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 26(2-3): 172-194.

4 Mori E., Menchetti M., Ferretti F. (2014) A silent wintering: do seasons and environmental features influence the calling behaviour of Eurasian Scops Owls? Bird Study, 61(2): 277-281.

3 Mori E., Maggini I., Menchetti M. (2013) When quills kill: The defence strategy of the crested porcupine Hystrix cristata L., 1758. Mammalia, 78(2): 229-234.

2 Mori E., Ancillotto L., Menchetti M., Romeo C., Ferrari N. (2013) Italian red squirrels and introduced parakeets: victims or perpetrators? Hystrix, 24(2): 195-196.

1 Bruni G., Boggiano F., Menchetti M., Mori E. (2013) First reports of egg predation by an unpaired Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra) on Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus): two cases from Central Italy. Italian Journal of Zoology, 80: 313-316.

Publications (non-ISI journals)

12 Mori E., Amerini R., Mazza G. Bertolino S., Battiston R., Sforzi A., Menchetti M. (2016) Alien shades of grey: new occurrences and relevant spread of Sciurus carolinensis in Italy. European Journal of Ecology, 2(1): 13-20.

11 Menchetti M., Mori E., Ceccolini F., Paggetti E., Pizzocaro L. & Cianferoni F. (2016) New occurrences of the alien invasive species Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773) in Southern Italy (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Onychium, 12: 137-139.

10 Pârâu L.G., Strubbe D., Mori E., Menchetti M., Ancillotto E., van Kleunen A., White R.L., Luna Á., Hernández-Brito D., Le Louarn M., Clergeau P., Albayrak T., Franz D., Braun M.P., Schroeder J., Wink M. (2016) Rose-ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri populations and numbers in Europe: a complete overview. The Open Ornithology Journal, 9:1-13.

9 Menchetti M., Ancillotto L., Russo D., Bertolino S., Bettacchioli G., Mori E. (2015) New records of the alien invasive species Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773) in Italy (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Onychium , 11: 139-142.

8 Mori E., Menchetti M. (2014) “Sometimes they come back”: citizen science reveals the presence of the Italian red squirrel in Campania. Quaderni del Museo di Storia Naturale di Ferrara, 2: 91-94.

7 Bruni G., Menchetti M., Ricciardi G., Vannini A., Mori E. (2014) Feeding the chicks of the others: an unexpected case of heterospecific altruistic behaviour in a non-breeding migrant tern (Charadriformes, Sternidae). Ornis Hungarica, 22(1): 76-80.

6 Mori E., Menchetti M., Dondini G., Biosa D., Vergari S. (2014) Theriofauna of SCI “Poggi di Prata” (Grosseto, Italy): checklist of terrestrial mammals and preliminary data on Chiroptera. Check List, 10(4): 718-723.

5 Mori E., Menchetti M., Mazza G., Scalisi M. (2014) The northernmost distribution limit of an endemic Italian hare inferred by camera trapping. Bollettino del Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino, 30(1-2): 123-130.

4 Vannini A., Menchetti M., Mori E. (2013) L’avifauna del pSIC “Poggi di Prata” (Grosseto, Toscana). Alula 01/2014; XX(1-2): 101-113.

3 Mori E., Bruni G., Domeneghetti D., Menchetti M. (2013) Pelophylax synklepton hispanicus (Bonaparte, 1839) on the branches of a tree: description of an unusual behaviour. Herpetology Notes, 6: 515-517.

2 Mori E., Menchetti M., Bruni G., Vannini A., Borri B. (2013) Segnalazione 247. In: Peruzzi L., Viciani D., Bedini G. (eds.), Contributi per una flora vascolare di Toscana. V (247-319). Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat., Mem., ser. B, 120: 35-44.

1 Cantini M., Menchetti M., Vannini A., Giacomo Bruni G., Borri B., Mori E. (2013) Checklist of Amphibians and Reptiles in a hilly area of Southern Tuscany (Central Italy): an update. Herpetology Notes, 6:223-228.

Book chapters

Mori E., Menchetti M. (2021) The Ecological Impacts of introduced parrots. In: Pruet J. (eds.) Naturalized Parrots of the World: Distribution, Ecology, and Impacts of the World's Most Colorful Colonizers. Princeton University Press.

Mori E., Meini S., Strubbe D., Ancillotto L., Sposimo P., Menchetti M. (20168) Do Alien Free-Ranging Birds Affect Human Health? A Global Summary of Known Zoonoses. In: Mazza G., Tricarico E. (eds). Invasive species and human health, CABI Invasives Series. CPI Group, Preston (UK). ISBN-13:978 1 78639 098 1.

Menchetti M., Mori E., Angelici F.M. (2016) Effects of the recent world invasion by Ring-necked parakeets Psittacula krameri (pp. 253-266). In: Angelici F.M. (ed). Problematic Wildlife. A Cross-Disciplinary Approach. Springer International, Cham, xvi + 603 pp.