• Name: Mattia Menchetti

  • Born: 25/04/1990
  • Nationality: Italian

  • Current occupation: Postdoc

  • Lab: Butterfly Diversity and Evolution Lab

  • Place: Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF), Passeig Maritim de la Barceloneta 37/49, 08003 Barcelona, Spain.

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After a Bachelor thesis on the personality of the paper wasp Polistes dominula and a few years studying behavioural ecology of different taxa (mostly porcupines and owls), I moved my research activities on to alien species (mainly squirrels, parrots, and land planarians), reporting new occurrences, impacts and getting insights into impact assessments. During my Master’s thesis and my stay as a Research Assistant at the Butterfly Diversity and Evolution Lab (Barcelona), I worked on the migration of the Painted Lady butterfly (Vanessa cardui) with Gerard Talavera and Roger Vila, focusing on Citizen Science and collection creation and management. As a Research Assistant at the ZEN Lab leads by Leonardo Dapporto (Florence) on phylogeography and barcoding of butterflies, in collaboration with the Butterfly Diversity and Evolution Lab.

Now I am a PhD student in the Butterfly Diversity and Evolution Lab at the Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (CSIC-UPF), Barcelona. During my PhD, I will study the diversity and evolution of the European ant species. Check out the project page!

Open access and open source lover, I’m a contributor to Wikipedia and PhyloPic and curator of the citizen science platform iNaturalist. I also curate the websites of the Italian Lepidopterologist Association (Associazione Lepidotterologica Italiana – ALI) and of the Butterfly Week.

You can find me also on Mastodon!